“Food and Agriculture”
Initiatives for the SDGs
to achieve the goals of the SDGs.

for food, people, and agriculture.

This is the start of a new type of agriculture for a sustainable future, based on a unique cultivation system and advanced technology.

30,000 to 40,000 high-quality, cost-effective lettuce plants per day
This is BUTAI FARM’s original system.

Initiatives for the SDGs
to achieve the goals of the SDGs.
The carbon dioxide from the factory is reused for growing vegetables.
We have built a system that allows the minimum amount of fertilizer to be circulated within the plant.
Fertilizer components are not discharged into the soil, groundwater, or rivers.
Instead of sponges, soil blocks are used as the medium, which has less environmental impact.
We are trying to eliminate plastic.
Stable supply of reasonably priced vegetables with cutting-edge technology.
We contribute to the eradication of hunger and poverty caused by the global food crisis.
For the sustainable growth of the local community, priority is given to hiring employees from the local community.
We work closely with local farmers and the local government.
We have developed the best environment for photosynthesis, maximizing the use of sunlight.
We are considering using renewable energy for the minimum amount of electricity needed.